Saturday, August 31, 2019

Importance of the Humanities Essay

There has been much debate about the importance and benefits of funding the humanities in school. Many people are of the view that the study of the humanities is a waste of time and that more money and effort should be expended on teaching the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). On the other hand there is the school of thought which express the importance of maintaining the humanities. Others like Christina Paxson in the article â€Å"The Economic Case for Saving the Humanities† have posited the view that there be a â€Å"cross pollination between the sciences and the humanities†. I am of the view that the humanities are essential and should remain an integral part of the education system. Like Paxson I agree that individuals should be exposed to both the humanities and the STEM disciplines. The humanities are basically the study of the different ways in which people from different parts of the world and during different periods of history have processed and documented the human experience. It is the humanities that we have used to make sense of the world in which we live and also to make records of our experiences. Humans have made sense of the world in which they live through philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language. Having records of human experiences allows individuals to feel connected to those who were before us and also our contemporaries. I strongly believe that the study of humanities is important because not only does it allow us to understand the world in which we live but it also gives us insight into everything and brings clarity to our future. By doing the humanities individuals learn to think creatively and critically. They know how to ask questions and to reason. According to Paxson we need to create well rounded individuals who will be experts in any situation. She argues that the country does not need experts in one subject but a civil society in which everyone can provide meaningful insight into any topic of conversation. As Paxson points out we are living in a global world. As such it is important that we have knowledge of other cultures in order to negotiate our way in this complex village. The United States for example have to form relationships with other countries and it is important that the powers that be know who they are dealing with. Paxson cites the example of the importance of having experts in Arabic and the history of Islam after the September 11 attacks. Through their knowledge the US gained insight into what motivated these individuals and how to possibly respond to them. Knowledge of these people would not have been possible without the study of humanities. The humanities provide us with a number of intellectual and emotional skills that we need to have in order to operate in our society. These are not acquired naturally but rather through the study of a number of humanities. The humanities helped me a lot in my last job at a bank. It strengthened my communication skills both in written and spoken word. I was able to communicate with internal customers, coworkers, easily and without being socially awkward. I was also able to challenge and make recommendations to policies in a respectful manner. I dealt with external customers promptly and efficiently due to the fact that I was able to understand their transactions and queries. In the first part of the video â€Å"Why Look at Art† a lady says, â€Å"I think it’s important [that] people look at art, because we live in a visual world.† This is true; we definitely live in a visual world. Look at it this way, if it was not for art, computers and other electronic devices could only be used by programmers as they were just a series of codes and commands. The introduction of the GUI, Graphic User Interface, solved this problem. The GUI had images that everyone could relate and easy to use. If it was not for art these devices would not be as successful as they are today and would not form the backbone to our means of communication. Throughout this paper I have sought to highlight the importance of humanities as a course of study. Humanities encompasses a wide range of areas that can be applied to our daily existence and enhance our interpersonal interactions, it is therefore important that the humanities remain an integral part of one’s educational experience. This is basically to ensure that one becomes wellrounded, socially accepted individuals.   

Friday, August 30, 2019

Colonial School vs Modern Era

Colonial School vs. Modern Era The impact of schools has been ever changing. From their New England traditions, to civilizing of western settlers, and finally the requirement of educated individuals what schools and education have to do in society is constantly being molded and remolded. New models, ideas, ideals, and requirements for schools are constantly being established and have come a long way from the colonial period to the modern era.During colonial times school and education was used to â€Å"maintain the authority of the government and religion† (Spring 13) as well as to maintain social distinction and uphold morals. Unlike today, many schools in the New England colonies relied heavily upon religious and racist teachings. And many people agreed that it was important to include religion in schools just as it was included in many other practices at the time. This however created a major problem for the growing country as schools not only excluded all religions besides Protestant Christianity but also as a result were racist against peoples of other beliefs.Many new immigrants to the United States were shocked and upset that a nation boasting freedom of religion was forcing one specific religion through the use of schools and even discriminating against the people of different religious backgrounds. As pointed out in the film School: The Story of American Public Education, Part 1 early Irish settlers, who were mostly devout Catholics, came to find that the primers used in schools forced children to not only learn and recall Christian beliefs and proverbs but also painted Irishmen in an undoubtedly negative light going even so far as to call them â€Å"foul† and even the â€Å"lowest of people†.As a result of this discrimination Catholic groups in the nineteenth century rebelled and reform of schools began to take place. Schools were also means to teach children to obey the laws of society and the government. Much of colonial society was based upon class and the distinction between them. It was not only important to the puritan society that children read the Bible but also become good workers and members of society.First thanks to the Massachusetts Law of 1642 and then in 1647 the â€Å"Old Deluder Satan Law† (Spring 17) a system was established that required towns to be concerned with the literacy and education of their children. It also required towns with over fifty households to appoint a teacher to teach reading and writing in the community and those with over one hundred households to also establish a grammar school, which emphasized Latin and Greek, to prepare students for higher education.During the colonial period apprenticeship was common but because the nation was small many of the apprenticeships were either cut short or unavailable. It was one of the jobs of a master to teach literacy and maybe arithmetic to his apprentice but because of the unavailability many fell short of this requirement. It then fell upon the law to create the aforementioned schools and educate children to not only teach them the ability to read the bible and the laws of the nation but to also educate them in the proper way to conduct themselves in social and formal work settings.Much of the actual teaching of morals and way of conducting oneself was taught in the literacy schools, once a child was able to adhere to the rules and was sufficient enough in reading and writing they were able to attend grammar schools, with enough money in some cases, so that they may be able to move onto college and careers beyond. It comes as no surprise that English colonists thought of the Native Americans as uncivilized, lawless, and godless and attempted to introduce all of these elements to them through schools and religious institutions for their own benefit.Here education served an entirely different purpose, as cultural imperialism. Despite the disinterest from Native Americans, and cultures worldwide, the En glish refused to give up their hopes on instilling their culture and beliefs upon other peoples. In North America these efforts were accompanied by genocide and â€Å"it is estimated that ninety percent of the Native American population on the East Coast was lost during the European invasion† (Spring 24), largely due to diseases brought by settlers but also due to the feelings of cultural and racial superiority that white settlers heavily believed in.Benjamin Franklin even believed that there needed to be more white people in the world and that â€Å" ‘the principle body of white people’ should populate North America†¦[and] ‘why increase the Sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawnys, of increasing the lovely White? ’† (Spring 25) This overwhelming feeling of superiority by the white settlers brought them to see the Native Americans as an obstacle they needed to ov ercome. Some of the things that they wanted to change about the Indians were their work habits, views on sexuality, family organization, and women’s power.All of these things directly contrasted to the puritan beliefs of a male dominated authoritarian modest culture. Early education of the Native Americans was completely unsuccessful with many of the teachings being simply laughed at by the Natives and forgotten. After passing an execution law for those who were not civilized and God-fearing people, schools began to be established specifically for the process of civilizing Native Americans. Eleazar Wheelock founded the Dartmouth College in 1769 (Spring 28) where Indian children were â€Å"removed from their tribes†¦and plac[ed] into boarding schools for cultural conversion. (Spring 28) Wheelock believed that if the Native Americans were deterred from their native culture and taught to live like the colonists and educated into specific roles such as farming and cultivati on for boys and homemaking for girls they would be able to successfully convert and that Indian Wars would no longer be a problem. This system seemed to have worked when Samson Occom, a Mohegan Indian, not only successfully passed through the school but also went on to travel to England to advocate for the system and the establishment of more â€Å"Praying Indian† schools.Obviously today’s schools are much less grounded in religious and white superiority traditions. Although some themes do continue to the present such as education being a means of preparing children to obey government laws, that education will eliminate crime, immorality, and poverty, and that education is a source of social mobility. (Spring 14) In the home children today are nurtured and while they are taught social conduct and what is right and wrong it is in the classroom that children learn to sit still, obey people outside their family, work with others, and to complete tasks on time.These are al l requirements any job will entail and are best experienced in an educational setting. Many people also believe that education for their children will give their children a better life than them. Today’s parents want their children to grow up to be better, to be more prosperous, and more educated than themselves. Schools promise to provide the means for children to excel in life. Not only will the education of children allow them to obtain better jobs and more rewarding careers but it is considered that by acquiring knowledge people will inherently choose to â€Å"be good† eradicating immorality and crime.As previously mentioned modern education frowns upon the inclusion of religion in the classroom, except in cases such as Catholic or other religious or private non-publically funded school. Schools today are for knowledge only, a place where all the findings, ideas, and information of the world is attempted to be taught to the young and bright minds of today. Another stark difference between colonial education and today’s society is that culture and difference are celebrated. While cultural superiority may never fully die out today’s schools advocate for acceptance and pride in the diversity of students.Rather than suppress the cultural individualism many classrooms explore and exhibit the as many cultures as they can and bring light and information to everyone about each other. Much of education today leads toward higher education, whereas during colonial periods higher education and prestigious jobs were delicacies for the elite. In some cases this is still true, where students who may be deserving of quality education may not be able to pay the tuition of prized private schools such as Harvard, Stanford, or MIT.But for the most part educations at non-Ivy league schools are still highly regarded and sometimes even praised as those who may attend them have more â€Å"real life experience†. Employers today not only worry abo ut where one went to school but what he or she did there and what type of person they are. This makes schools in the modern era a place for equality, where anyone can become their wildest dreams. Bibliography Spring, Joel H. The American School: A Global Context from the Puritans to the Obama Era. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Print.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Examine the relationship between Volpone and Mosca Essay

Examine the relationship between Volpone and Mosca in Acts I and II; to what extent is Volpone presented as the dominant partner?  During The Argument at the beginning of the play the audience is told that, although the play’s title is ‘Volpone’, the play is mostly centred on ‘his parasite’, Mosca, and the cross-plots he ‘weaves’ as he ‘assures’ and ‘deludes’ the other characters. Despite this, Volpone is not entirely submissive. There are several occasions where he is the stronger, commanding character, and throughout the play there are some elements of permanent authority, which cannot be overlooked. As stated in ‘The Persons of the Comedy’, Volpone is a ‘Magnifico’, an entrepreneur who would be socially higher than his parasite, Mosca, and therefore better educated than him. This good education is seen in Act II Scene ii as Volpone speaks as the mountebank, Scoto of Mantua. Although it is unknown who contrived the plot, although it is assumed to be Mosca as he suggests the disguise, Volpone uses scientific language, such as ‘mal caduco’ and ‘hernia ventosa’, to convince the crowd to buy his oil, even calling in ‘Oglio del Scoto’. Even if Mosca had created the idea, he would have been unable to use such language to make the crowd believe Volpone was Scoto, and therefore he is reliant on Volpone’s knowledge to help carry out his plans. This social dominance on Volpone’s part is also seen immediately in Act I Scene i, as Jonson presents Volpone languishing in bed while Mosca does his bidding, waking Volpone for the day and opening the shrine at his behest to reveal the ‘saint’ that is his gold. This wealth provides another area of dominance, although this is also a factor affecting class, as Mosca is dependent on Volpone’s wealth to support him as this provides him with a home and pay, so the typical master and servant positions are assumed. Mosca never forgets his place in society, and Volpone frequently orders him about, such as upon the arrival of Voltore at the end of Act I Scene ii when he asks Mosca to ‘fetch’ his ‘gown’,’ furs, and nightcap’. These are duties that Mosca has to perform, and when ordered to do something by Volpone he has to agree and execute the task without argument. These factors mean that Volpone is the overriding authority in this relationship, and Mosca dare not openly disagree with Volpone as he could lose everything. Despite Volpone having a great deal of possible power and influence, he is often presented as the weaker of the two with a great deal of dependence on Mosca, thereby making Mosca the dominant partner. An example of this is seen in Act I Scene I, as Volpone asks Mosca â€Å"Why dost thou laugh so, man?† suggesting that he is insecure and seeks Mosca’s reassurance in case he is the subject of the laughter. This makes Mosca the leading member of the relationship, showing Volpone’s emotional dependence on his servant. He is also dependent on Mosca to carry out the ‘cunning purchase’ of his wealth, with Mosca having to make excuses for other clients visiting, such as when he tells Voltore to ‘put business’ in his face as he leaves, as he is an advocate, and then tells Corbaccio Volpone ‘was about his testament’ ‘for [Corbaccio’s] good’, giving him a positive reason for Voltore’s presence. Through this M osca also manages to increase the wealth accumulated through their enterprise, by playing the three clients off against each other. This is again seen in Act 1 Scene iv as Mosca tells Corbaccio of Voltore’s ‘piece of plate’ for Volpone ‘to be his heir’, leading him to proffer ‘a bag of bright chequins’, and later to proclaim Volpone his ‘sole heir’, thereby denying his ‘brave, and highly meriting’ son, Bonario. However, this does not entirely prove Mosca to be the stronger orchestrator of events or show Volpone to be weak, as Volpone has to act the dying man, and therefore cannot play a great role in manipulating the clients. This is shown in the way Mosca handles the subplot of Celia more skilfully than Volpone, and his greater level of control and forward thinking. Mosca’s role in the play is more as a stage manager than a servant, and on many occasions he is shown to handle situations more adroitly than Volpone. One of the greatest ways Jonson shows this is in the plot to win Celia, something that Mosca himself introduces in Act 1 Scene v, enticing Volpone as he calls her ‘The blazing star of Italy’. In doing this, Mosca creates a new need for himself, making Volpone even more dependent on him as Mosca knows details regarding Celia, such as Corvino’s ‘guard, of ten spies thick, upon her’, while Volpone had not heard of her.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Juvenile Delinquency - Essay Example Cox, Allen, Hanser, and Conrad point out that delinquent and criminal behavior are part of the various human social behaviors. Thus, children learn the behavior just like the other social behaviors. As the theory suggests, teenagers are the most affected. Through conditioning were an undesirable behavior is punished and the wanted behavior awarded, one can learn any social behavior. Therefore, once a person starts to exhibit delinquent behavior, he or she can be stopped by utilizing the conditioning technique. Parents have a significant role to play in behavior modification where they guide their children to adopt socially acceptable behaviors. Strengthening the positive behavior aids in change achievement. For instance, it can be argued that the delinquent behavior of Shawn was learned from his mother. Consumption of illicit drugs in the United States including alcohol is a crime among juveniles. Despite the knowledge of the constitutional provision, Shawn’s mother introduced her son to alcohol intake.In addition to alcohol, Shawn started using other hard drugs like marijuana. Evidently, he got into a company of teenagers indulging in drug and substance abuse. He succumbed to peer pressure. At some point, Shawn and his friends were charged with robbery with violence from one of their schoolmates. This behavior might have developed over time with the increased consumption of marijuana, alcohol, and delinquent company. It is believed that he had issues with his father since he did not approve of his drug and substance abuse at his age.

Marketing case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Marketing case analysis - Essay Example Brand contribution is the margin that the company gains from the sale of its products. That means that the costs have to be relatively lower so that the company can achieve its desired margin. Brand equity refers to the positioning of the company products. Positioning is a critical part of marketing because it directly affects the sales volume of a company. The first issue that the director of marketing should deal with should be brand equity. Brand equity will include the positioning of the company’s products. That involves the advertising part of marketing. The company should carry out a marketing campaign that is aimed at targeting the customers of the company. The company should come up with the target market in which it should direct its marketing towards. That will ensure that the company does not waste its funds on unnecessary marketing. The company can also carry out a research that will enable it to know the distribution of its customers. For example, the company can come up with a questionnaire that will ask the customers where they reside and the convenient place that they would prefer to purchase the product from. That will enable the company to locate its products in retail stores in which most of its customers population reside in. that will increase the sales volume of the company and that will make the product mo re profitable (Ali 8). After the brand positioning has been established, the next part will be brand sales. Brand sales will involve the company increasing the sales volume. That will be made possible if the product positioning is done perfectly. That implies that the product should be within the reach of the target customers. The company can therefore carry out a marketing campaign that will be around the area where the customers are heavily populated. That will ensure that there are first purchases and repeat purchases. The first purchase can be done by the company carrying out a promotion

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Literature Review Saudi Stock Market Research Paper

Literature Review Saudi Stock Market - Research Paper Example Corporate firms can raise funds from the market since it is dominated by retailers. The high the volume of trade – which is directly proportional to the number of retail traders – provides high liquidity in the market. To consider a stock market to be effective the market must reflect the consumption of relevant data. In other words, the market must be a reflection of existing data including the performance and governance of the country where the market exists (Onour, 2009). The Saudi stock market was formalized in the early 1980’s (Onour, 2009). Since then the Saudi Market has undergone several changes in accommodate new trading methods. The changes that have been witnessed include changes in the regulatory framework (Onour, 2009) and the trading methods with the introduction of electronic trading. On this paper the researcher will review past literature on the performance of the Saudi Stock Market, comparing and contrasting the performance of the market to other stock markets finally, drawing conclusions and recommendations of how to strengthen the markets performance. Key factors that are affecting the performance of the Market will also be covered in brief. The market growth in capitalization, however, has been steady most attributable to the need to invest in the money being made from the oil industry. Oil Prices and stock markets have been studied in depth by Rault & Arouri (2009). Rault & Arouri have established a linkage between performance of the stock market and oil price shocks. They cite that proper study of oil price shocks can help investors invest in the GCC countries including Saudi Arabia profitably. The Saudi stock market consists of diverse group of companies focused on the strong domestic economy rather than the international prices of oil (Jadwa Investment, 2010). Nonetheless, investors are exposed to the oil sector

Monday, August 26, 2019

Criminal Justice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Criminal Justice - Research Paper Example cible entry to a premise is protected under the Fourth amendment when the nature of the circumstances that led to the warrant is considered reasonable. On the mentioned case involving Steiney Richards, petitioner v. Wisconsin, Madison, police officers forcibly entered the motel room that was occupied by the petitioner on December 31 early morning in order to execute a search warrant that was intended to net illegal narcotics. Before the search warrant was granted, the magistrate who issued the warrant rejected a no- knock warrant (Karagiozis & Sgaglio 2005). The magistrate argued that the case submitted did not attain the threshold to justify the need of such a warrant and, therefore, rejected to grant the police officers a no- knock warrant. Despite the magistrate’s judicial ruling, the Madison police officers dismissed the ruling and resorted in using force where they did not disclose the purpose and their presence prior to the entry. The police officers conducted the search and identified illegal narcotics such as cocaine but there was no evidence of gun possession that was collected. The trial court dismissed all attempts from the petitioner to suppress the case after which the petitioner, Steiney Richards pleaded guilty of the felony charges. The suspect possessed illegal narcotics that comprised of cocaine with intents to deliver thus allowing the appellant court to uphold the conviction of the petitioner to a prison term. To affirm the decision, the Wisconsin Supreme court scrutinized the issues in the case and found that the entry to the petitioner’s motel room did not violate the legislation thereby upholding policies as stipulated in the Fourth Amendment. In reaffirming their decision, the supreme court, acknowledged that the police officers are invariably allowed to ignore announcing their presence by considering the nature of the search warrant especially those that involves felonious acts like drug trafficking. The petitioner argued that the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Legislation and Ethics Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legislation and Ethics Report - Research Paper Example Furthermore, it aims at improving developmental and educational outcomes for children attending learning and care services. In addition, it encourages continuous developments in the delivery of excellent learning and care services. In addition, it minimizes the administrative and regulatory problem for learning and care services by making sure information is shared amongst the Commonwealth and participating jurisdictions (Becker, 2007). This legislation influences the work practices of those persons or organizations that are fit to provide the learning and care services to the children. Their work practices should keep the best interests and the rights of the children at the foremost. There should be diversity, inclusion and equity in the education and care services they provide. The relationships with the children should be good, and they should ensure that they have cooperative partnerships with the communities and the families of the children (Farmer, 2014). The impact on ethical practices is that it ensures the providers of this service have equipment’s, furniture, and premises that are clean, safe, and well maintained. Additionally, their facilities should be adapted or designed to ensure participation and access by every child present in the service and to permit flexible interaction and use of outdoor and indoor space. Further, the providers should be able to support the children to become ecologically responsible and express respect for the ecology. Lastly, the resources, facilities, buildings and the indoor and outdoor spaces should be suitable for the purpose of learning and care services (Mendes and Moslehuddin, 2004). The impact of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) on policy development and implementation is that, it ensures that the rules and regulations enacted and developed with different institutions or individuals, should act in accordance with the legislation. The policies should state the outdoor

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Power and politics strategy planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Power and politics strategy planning - Essay Example Hence, I would argue that the effectiveness of power and politics strategy planning determines the sustainability of an organization. To begin with, a firm follows specific byelaw that coordinates different business activities. Since an organization consists of large number of employees with different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, it is not practical to frame organizational laws that would satisfy the personal interests of every employee. For the smooth running of a firm, the company management must make sure that all employees comply with the common rules of the organization. While dealing with this issue, the management employs power in order to promote obedience, discipline, and thereby cohesion within the organization. Power is the conventional tool used by organizations in order to enforce their basic byelaws; organizations have been effectively employing this tool for centuries. However, the way organizations exert power is highly crucial. When the management applies excessive power over employees, a feeling of resistance may grow among them. The resistance in turn, would impede the production process and the long term objectives of the organization. ... In other words, business houses must heed enough attention to planning power exertion strategies. It is a common fact that employees are obedient to their employers on the ground of fear rather than love. When an employer shows a liberal attitude to his employee, the employee may hesitate to take his maximum efforts as the situation does not cause any threat to his employment. On the other hand, the employee will be more sincere and responsible if the management imposes certain restrictions on him. For instance, many of the IT companies demand their employees to work for more than 12 hours. These companies also appoint an efficient supervising team to evaluate the work done by their employees. Under such circumstances, employees are forced to employ their maximum capabilities. In contrast, if these employees are given the opportunity for their work options, it will certainly impede company’s profitability. Therefore, power is an inevitable element in the strategic management o f an organization. As discussed earlier, the impact of strategic planning would be adverse if this process is not organized properly. The application of power must meet employees’ basic requirements. When an organization employs power over its employees, the management must ensure that the firm does not hurt employees’ individual rights and sentiments. Similarly, the firm management must avoid biased decisions while deploying its various powers. It has been identified that legitimacy and uncertainty are two important sources of organizational power. In the opinion of Rainey (173), many of the scholars are of the opinion that some thoughtless rules and restrictions imposed on public organizations by external forces such as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Babybot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Babybot - Essay Example Accurate hand movements are vital for packaging and assembly positions (Thomas et al. 2014). To determine the relationship between employees’ scores on the manual dexterity test and their performance ratings, we take employees’ scores on manual dexterity test as x and performance rating as y. then we will determine slope M using the equation This implies that for every one unit of employee’s performance rate, there is 1.25 units of employees score on manual dexterity test. This means that increase in employees score on manual dexterity test by one unit implies that the performance rate increases by 1.25 units. If we assume that candidates with scores above 43 on the manual dexterity test were hired, this means that these candidates have a predicted performance 85. Looking at the sex issue, we see that the number of males hired is seven (7) and the number of females hired is 13, all of them above the cutoff of 43. Similarly, on race six (6) Hispanics, eight (8) whites and six (6) blacks were hired. Calculating in terms of percentages indicates that 81.25% females and 50% males were employed. The percentage of Spanish employed is 66.67%, blacks and whites hired were 66.67% and 81.25% respectively. Thus, the use of this test has adverse effects on sex in that the number of females hired was higher than the numbers of males hired. The use of this test discriminated males and favored females. Out of the total number of Hispanic candidates six of them were hired translating to 66.67%. 6/10 blacks were hire which is equivalent to 60%. 8/11 whites hired which is 72.73%. Therefore, the use of this test led to the employment of more whites than Hispanics and blacks. In view of the validity of the results, I would recommend the use of this kind of test because it is quick, easy to use and economical to administer measure of manual dexterity. Sub tests require no scoring keys and are quick to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marriage and family class Essay Example for Free

Marriage and family class Essay There are many different factors of communication in relationships. One of the most often asked questions about communication is how one achieves mutual communication in any type of a relationship. People sometimes feel that communication makes a better marriage. Many people often wonder how to reconnect with their partner after communication has stopped. Body language or non verbal communication plays a major role in communication. These are some the topics that will be discussed in this research paper. Mutual communication is achieved when both partners in a relationship can effectively listen and communicate their feelings with one another. Some say that this is the basis for a healthy long lasting relationship. There are many skills a good listener has to have. Some of which are easier to express than others are. The most important of which is expressing empathy (De Jong). In mutual communication both partners should make eye contact with one another. Usually when one makes eye contact it shows that they are paying attention to what the other person is saying to them at the time. When mutually communicating neither partner should send destructive messages. Destructive messages include but are not limited to ordering, threatening, lecturing, and ridiculing (Lauer). Destructive messages lead to conflict and not resolution. When one person sends a destructive message to the listener the listener more than likely will get discouraged and that will make the situation worse. Ordering and threatening lead to more of a power struggle rather than to effective communication. There are many  different styles of a poor listener. There are people who fake the fact that they are listening when their mind is in another place. For example John is making it seem like he is listening to his wife Julie when in fact he is thinking about his golf game the next day. There are people who interrupt. Interrupting decreases mutual communication. There are also people who can intellectually listen and carry on a conversation. An example of an intellectual listener is Jessica. Jessica has just told her friend Jake about her new teacher at her college. She tells Jake what he taught and the manner in which he taught it. Jessica is clearly giving Jake non verbal cues that should lead him to believe that she has a romantic interest in the new teacher. Jake does not pick up on the cues but criticizes the style that the teacher uses to teach his classes. Some people say that communication makes a better marriage. Everyday conversations increase satisfaction by offering a broad range of topics to be discussed. Usually in a marriage, when everyday conversation increases happiness, and the partners often laugh more together. Everyday conversation also allows the couple to talk about their interests and the happenings of their day in a relaxed and calm setting. When you have good communication in a marriage, conflicts are often calmly discussed. People in a marriage are self disclosed. Self disclosure is defined as the honest revealing of ones self to another. Self disclosure increases intimacy and marital satisfaction (Lahey). Partners who are in a married situation often feel the need to communicate their feelings and ideas to keep their marriage open, happy, and healthy. The main reason for breakup of marriages is a lack of communication (Stark). The cause for the lack of communication most often is that people do not know how to properly communicate with one another especially in a conflict situation where they do not agree on a point. Sometimes it takes someone from a neutral point of view to point this fact out to couples, who are having problems in the relationship. Most often the couple will not realize that they have a problem unless an outside source points it out to them. This could help them or create more conflict with in the relationship. If there is a problem, and there is no communication between the two partners in the relationship the problem will  grow. However, if there is good communication the problem has potential to be resolved and to possibly never reoccur (De Jong). It is also important, to effectively communicate, to maintain the boundaries. Maintaining boundaries is the separation of home life from work life. If you bring your work life into your home life discussions, it is more than likely that you will get distracted from the topic at hand (Stark). Some people bring their work life home it creates jealousy. Jealousy is also a leading cause of breakups in a relationship (Laurer). When people effectively communicate in a married relationship, exchange and role equity are heightened. Exchange equity, for example is the female being the primary bread winner and the male staying home. Role equity, is sharing the chores of the house as well as the duties of the head of the house. Partners in a married relationship may have different opinions about role and exchange equity. Some people feel that the female should stay home and be a traditional house wife. For example the woman would do the dishes, laundry, and take care of the children. Some people feel that both the male and female should be able to go to work and have a career. Effective communication in a marriage about these kinds of feelings can solve many future problems in a rational and timely manner (Lauer). Therefore, if there is ample problem solving and good communication, in a marriage it will generally be a healthier, happier, more satisfying marriage. Body language or non-verbal communication is said to be used between 50-80 percent in a relationship. Women use non-verbal cues or body language more often than males do. Non verbal cues froe example are the position in which a person is sitting, the expression on ones face, or the amount of eye contact that they are making. If you have an open posture, and are leaning in towards the speaker, you are giving off good body language. If you are sitting with your arms crossed, and a closed posture then you are giving off bad body language. Women also tend to read into body language and the meanings behind it more than men (Lauer). Women tend to read body language on a more emotional level than men do. For example women tend to see when someone has a romantic interest in another where as men do not see that. Partners, generally speaking, in a good relationship should be able to read  the other partners body language and know what they want to say without them always having to verbalize their thoughts. Body language can tell your partner what you are thinking without actually having to say it. I decided on this particular topic for a few reasons. The first of which is that I have seen a lot of friends and family who have been in relationships that did not last and wanted to figure out why that was. The second reason was because I thought it could help me in my future relationship(s), and to help me from making the same mistakes that I have in the past or that others have made. Another reason that I chose this topic is because I am also interested in being a counselor and counselors need to be able to have good communication with their clients. Another reason is because counselors need to be able to understand, in some sense, where their clients are coming from and to be able to help in any way possible. One good analogy that I found one day while surfing the internet was this: If you were to be in thorough and complete communication with a car and a road, you would certainly have no difficulty driving that car. But if you are in only partial communication with the car and in no communication with the road, it is fairly certain that an accident will occur. This was said by Ronald Hubbard who is an expert in the field of scientology. He deals mainly with the realm of communication. That quote really inspired me to look into the realm of communication further. I wanted to know what effects that it had on a relationship and / or a marriage. Just an ending piece of advice: The best problem solving agent is honest open and effective problem solving. Works Cited DeJong, Peter. Interviewing for Solutions, 2nd Edition. California: Wadsworth Group, 2002. Hubbard, Ronald. Church of Scientology International: 2000-2002. Lahey, Benjamin B., Psychology: an introduction, 7th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. Laurer, Robert H. and Lauer, Jeanette C., Marriage and Family, 4th Edition. Chicago: Brown Benchmark, 2000. Stark, Rodney. Sociology, 8th Edition. Wadsworth Group, 2001.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Desegregation and the Future Essay Example for Free

Desegregation and the Future Essay The civil rights movement was one of the most pivotal periods in United States history, and Martin Luther King was one of the most influential. In Martin Luther Kings speech, Segregation and the Future, to convey the theme of freedom he uses rhetorical devices such as repetition and metaphors. In his speech, the use of repetition was used to better convey his points and to let the audience know what he wants with clarity. An example of this repetition is when he repeats the word, leaders. His use of repetition for the word leaders was to remind the National Committee of Rural Schools that they are supposed to lead with a purpose and that purpose according to Martin Luther King was to better educate both white and black students with equal treatment. He wants the leaders of the committee to lead others in a better way of thinking, and to stray from current ideas that infringe on the rights of African Americans. Another example of repetition in his speech is his use of the words, not the way. He wants the audience to know he views would impede upon their cause. He lists violence, hate and bitterness as things that are, not the way to help with their cause. The second prominent rhetorical device that Martin Luther King used were metaphors. One example of a metaphor that coveys the theme of freedom is when compares a, festering sore to segregation. Martin Luther Kings comparison shows his contempt for segregation and how freedom is always the better choice. Comparisons to negative objects or situations, put things like segregation into a more personal and more understandable meaning, making this metaphor powerful. A second example of Kings use of metaphor is his comparison of the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board to a joyous daybreak that ended the long night of human captivity. Martin Luther King uses this comparison to show how momentous this Supreme Court decision was. The Supreme Court ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitional, became a huge step toward equality and Martin Luthers comparison shows this. Martin Luther Kings use of repetition and metaphors makes his speeches more inspiring and more emotional to others. Without his use of rhetorical  devices, his speeches would fall on deaf ears and wouldnt have caused a movement toward equality. His use of repetition and metaphors in this speech better display his themes of freedom and have inspired America for years to come.

Lexical Density Informalisation In English Language

Lexical Density Informalisation In English Language Both of these terms within the study of English language are commonly used as markers that help to differentiate between the spoken and written modes of Language. Lexical Density is a measure of how much information there is in a particular piece of language. Lexical words (content words) are words which carry information. Texts which have a high proportion of lexical items compared to function words (grammatical items) are said to have a high lexical density. Written texts are likely to have a higher lexical density than spoken texts which tend to have more grammatical items than content. Scientific texts are also likely to have a very high lexical density due to their educational nature. Halliday defines lexical density as a measure of the density of information in any passage of text, according to how tightly the lexical items (content words) have been packed into the grammatical structure. It is important to consider in this definition however that lexical density can be high in the more formal written texts because of the use of nominalisation (where one syntactic form is replaced by another) which although creating a high Lexical Density count can also lower the level of information content. An example of the differences in Lexical Density between written and spoken language can be shown when i asked my niece what she had learned in school that day: we did electricity in science today.(lexical density count: 3) which when compared to her summary lesson text for that day; Materials that can carry electricity are called conductors they conduct electricity.(lexical density count: 6) primary school text book. Informalisation is the breaking down of divisions between formal public use and informal private use of English. Linguists argue that language used in public and institutional contexts is changing and that styles of private language have crossed borders to be used in public situations in a new form of address. They say that increasingly professional encounters are becoming more conversationalised (Fairclough in Maybin Et Al, pg205). This can be seen frequently on business websites such as Recycle Now ( advertised to us by our local council. They demonstrate informalisation through their use of some of the typical markers of informal English; pronouns, simple English and contractions of negatives; (Maybin et al, pg 207) Keep it simple, Dont worry about removing labels, its as simple to recycle as to throw away However this could also be an example of the use of this marketisation where the informalisation of language is used intentionally by an organisation for a sp ecific marketing reason. Another key marker of informalisation is the term of address. The observation that my doctor, and some of my regular customers now call me Sharon and not Mrs Tyrrell (without being asked) are excellent examples of the informalisation of the English Language within my day to day life. Part 2 Baynham and Maybin (2007, p. 123) assert that electronic means of communication seem to have shifted the relationship between speech and writing. Discuss this statement, using brief examples of your own to illustrate your points. Modern technology has allowed language to explore a new medium;- Electronic Discourse (ED), different in fundamental ways from typical conversational speech and writing found in other situations. The first task therefore is to look at the differences between the two more traditional mediums of speech and writing looking at if, and how, the relationship between them has been changed by ED through analysing its linguistic properties. Written English is most often planned, while spoken English is most often unplanned. This simple distinction results in many notable differences although the main differences lie within their differences in form. Form refers to grammatical, lexical, phonological and graphological aspects of language. I will look at the differences between the two in these respects and then look at the features of ED and how that relates to both written and spoken language. In the grammatical traits for speech, there is a lack of clear sentence boundaries which makes it difficult to know when one has ended and when one can begin. Usually in speech between people who know one another, the boundaries are erased and overlapping occurs. In contrast, in typical written text you are expected to write in full sentences, include paragraphs and have an appropriate structure. When using typical writing in a formal document punctuation is essential and the agreement between nouns and verbs is crucial. Typical speech and typical writing also have a different grammatical intricacy. Typical speech has a simpler grammatical structure because there are fewer clauses, less subordination and often shorter units; whilst typical writing has more grammatical intricacy because it contains subordinate clauses in complex sentences, it also contains pre-modifiers and past modifiers. Typical speech contains looser contraction sentences that are linked with words such as and and lengthy coordinate sentences. Also non-standard subject-verb agreements, ellipsis, non-standard word order, fragmented sentences are all very common. The lexis vocabulary of typical speech is colloquial and slang. It contains taboo language, nonsense words and contracted words. This is in contrast to the much wider vocabulary that is to be typically found in more formal writing. Typical writing also includes words that are never spoken, such as long chemical compounds and also relies on the greater degree of formality. In typical speech, inexplicitness is expected and much repetition occurs whilst in typical writing one must be explicit and repetition is frowned upon. Typical speech is usually unplanned and can be full of non-fluency features and running repairs such as false starts, hesitations, repetitions, discourse particles and fillers, words such as umm and like, and yknow. Another noticeable difference is that the lexical density of spoken discourse is usually much lower than that of written due to the high content of grammatical items used in relation to that of content words. The phonology traits are not able to be used in typical writing. In typical speech however, the intonation is extremely important, the prosody also makes a huge difference and a word or phrase could have a different impact if pronounced with the wrong prosody. Intonation may reveal the boundaries for clauses and is vital in social and emotional conversations, as it helps to explain ones point of view. Prosody is also used to make the conversation more lively and interesting. In typical writing, the tone can only be indicated by the use of question marks (?), exclamation marks (!),underlining, CAPITALS or by describing the tone. In literature, the tone of the poem is achieved in the rhyme and the rhythm. The graphology feature of language is not used in typical speech. Spelling, punctuation and the use of paragraphs are all seen as graphology features. These all appear and play an important part in typical writing. The amount or size of paragraphs and the use of italics, underlining, and emboldening can all give a certain impression. Pictures, emoticons and columns are all graphology features. Paralinguistic features such as the movement of the hands, a shrug or a smile are crucial in Spoken English where the use of more than just words context cues, tone, gestures, eye contact, pace and body language-all play a part in communicating meaning, while written English generally lacks these. Having highlighted some of the main differences and therefore the relationship between spoken and written English it is also important to note that these differences are not absolute and there are a range of forms and genres across both speech and writing- for instance a spoken lecture or a job interview is closer to writing than a pub conversation between friends and a personal letter closer to speech than a page from a textbook-. This is often dependant on the formality of the situation in which the discourse is taking place. Now to look at the notable linguistic features of ED in comparison to the definitions already visited above. It is important to note that the proportion of these features exhibited by a ED text can vary enormously according to criteria such as formality, subject and the personal characteristics of the individual writer (including age, identity, etc.). Grammatically ED tends to use many of the typical spoken traits such as telegraphic language Have forwarded the P the email, Will do, but am not back in office this week'(see appendix A) and also uses interaction features (e.g. questions) ill call then, ok? (ibid) and overall a very un-complex grammatical structure similar to informal speech. However this omission of grammatical words gives the text an extremely high lexical density which is traditionally more a characteristic of writing. The lexical features of ED are also hard to categorise, as in some ways, it is like conversation in that it presents a number of performance features generally characteristic of in process or in situ communicative events and behaviours, such as repetition, direct address, disfluencies, and markers of personal involvement, including syntactic and lexical items (Davis and Brewer, 1997). However, because turn taking occurs differently in ED, the interruptions and overlaps so characteristic of conversation do not occur (see Appendix B). There is also an absence of the fillers so often seen in oral conversations (Brown Yule, 1983) although these are present urrrrrr not sure, think so (appendix B) The vocabulary used in ED is typically very informal and frequently uses abbreviations, auxiliary verbs, colloquialisms and familiar terms of address (see appendix B) much like that associated with speech. Phonologically and graphologicaly ED utilises many techniques to try and imply tone or meaning that previously has been difficult to do in writing. The use of emoticons, :o) , capitalisation, letter repetition, use of graphics, sounds, punctuation and phonetic spelling (see appendix B) to indicate emotions, pauses, emphasis and intonation all demonstrate the fact that ED is a much more multimodal method of communication than was previously possible within typical writing and is often successfully able to create the impression of speech within written form. It is apparent from the examples provided that electronic communication does not fall within the standard definitions of narrative and text (Jones, 1995, p. 5) but in fact appears to embody aspects of each. It is clear that this new and still evolving medium that ED also demonstrates the process of informalisation within the written English language, clearly showing the majority of the markers that are used to define it; casual terms of address, informal vocabulary, intonation and contractions of negatives. It has been suggested that the electronic medium creates a feel of distance between the author I know that i, certainly, am guilty of being too casual in situations when i am contacting people by means of electronic communication and even guilty of using marketisation when corresponding with customers for my online business to make me seem more approachable. So, in conclusion, whilst the medium of electronic communication may not have changed the relationship between speech and wr iting it has certainly blurred it. Perhaps in this technology surrounded age we need to readdress the definitions of speech and writing to reflect the numerous varieties that now exist. WORD COUNT 1642

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethical Software Development :: Engineering Technology Economics Essays

Ethical Software Development One of the most exciting times for an engineer is during conception and up front planning on a new project. Ideas dance in the mind of an engineer. A new project offers creative possibilities for job advancement, market success, design elegance, exploration, camaraderie and power over a problem. At first, engineers and their managers are motivated to consider the impact of new features and products. This paper explores some of the ethical landscape that the engineer may face in the creative stages of a software development project. I want to explore ethical issues seen by a Western engineer working with Western engineers and also working with Offshore engineers. What issues would the engineer face with those in China? All prejudices aside, this paper attempts to uncover ethical issues that affects the engineers and the software product. A person may naturally experience some fears when faced with the prospect of jointly developing software with engineers located in a different country. To get an idea of what may happen, we will need to look beyond the â€Å"us† vs. â€Å"them† barrier and see people in their own context. I took this paper as an opportunity to learn about ethics from a Chinese perspective. The intent, however, is to find what has positive ethical effects. Example Issues High Technology: Sometimes a project will be started that requires a technology breakthrough or else a high level of creativity. Stresses from not making those discoveries will often test an engineer’s ability to make good, ethical decisions. Software Process: The process is a required part of any discussion on software development. Software development occurs over many phases, requiring many different skills. The process is a management tool for making sure that everything gets accomplished. One issue with using a process is avoiding the tendency to over-regulate or bureaucratize the engineers and thus impact their sense of respect and positive responsibility. [[1]] Global: The engineer may worry about the potential for delivering a shoddy software product from, cutting corners, the language barrier or any unequal standards of excellence. In addition, will engineers from either country experience a dilution of their moral foundation or feel like they are merely being exploited? It should be clear that ethical issues like these can effect engineers in any country. Global issues will be presented by contrasting the individual morality in the West vs. the relational morality in China.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Kimberley Jayne Fletcher :: English Literature

Kimberley Jayne Fletcher The links and connections between ‘Flight’-by Doris Lessing, ‘Your Shoes’-by Michele Roberts, ‘Chemistry’-by Graham Swift, ‘Superman and Paula Browns new snowsuit’-by Sylvia Plath, and ‘growing up’-by Joyce Carey. The main theme in all the pieces of prose is ‘family’. In ‘Flight’ the granddad and granddaughter growing up and having to let go because the granddaughter is getting married, and it’s hard for family to let people you love go. In ‘Your Shoes’ the mum is upset about her child running away and is telling the audience/reader how she is feeling and how certain she will come back because she hasn’t got her new shoes she bought her. In ‘Chemistry’ the relationships betweens the granddad, mum, son and new boyfriend and how their lives change when their close family die. In ‘Superman and Paula Browns new snowsuit’ the boys family and friends not believing him that he didn’t push Paula brown in oil slick and ruining her new snowsuit. In ‘Growing up’ the dad is too tied up with his work during the week and one weekend he decides to spend time with his two daughters and he realises how much they have grown up. Both ‘Chemistry’ and ‘Flight’ the children feel betrayed by their granddad. The boy in ‘Chemistry’ feels betrayed by his whole family but his granddad the most because he has just committed suicide to get away from his daughter who has changed because of her new boyfriend and the boy think that his granddad is the only one who understands him and now that he's gone he has no one like his granddad. The girl in ‘Flight’ is feeling betrayed by her granddad because she knows how much he loves his birds and he also loved her as much as his birds. So when he let go of his birds it was symbolical of him letting go of her, so she can have freedom in her life and not have him interfering in her life. But the irony is that she wants him in her life. All of the stories portray betrayed but by different people, ‘Flight’ and ‘Chemistry’ the boy and girl betrayed by their granddad. ‘Your Shoes’ the mother is betrayed by her daughter. In ‘Your Shoes’ the mother is talking about what her daughter is like and how she feels betrayed by her because her daughter had always liked her grandmother more than her and she had always hated her mother because of the way she treated her when she was young. ‘Superman and Paula Browns new snowsuit’ the child is betrayed by their family and friends. In ‘Superman and Paula Browns new snowsuit’ the writer doesn’t tell us

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Emancipation Proclamation :: essays research papers

Emancipation Proclamation, proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the American Civil War, declaring all "slaves within any State, or designated part of a State ... then ... in rebellion, ... shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." The states affected were enumerated in the proclamation; specifically exempted were slaves in parts of the South then held by Union armies. Lincoln's issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation marked a radical change in his policy; historians regard it as one of the great state documents of the United States. After the outbreak of the Civil War, the slavery issue was made acute by the flight to Union lines of large numbers of slaves who volunteered to fight for their freedom and that of their fellow slaves. In these circumstances, a strict application of established policy would have required return of fugitive slaves to their Confederate masters and would have alienated the staunchest supporters of the Union cause in the North and abroad. Abolitionists had long been urging Lincoln to free all slaves, and public opinion seemed to support this view. Advertisement Lincoln moved slowly and cautiously nonetheless; on March 13, 1862, the federal government forbade all Union army officers to return fugitive slaves, thus annulling in effect the fugitive slave laws. On April 10, on Lincoln's initiative, Congress declared the federal government would compensate slave owners who freed their slaves. All slaves in the District of Columbia were freed in this way on April 16, 1862. On June 19, 1862, Congress enacted a measure prohibiting slavery in United States territories, thus defying the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case, which ruled that Congress was powerless to regulate slavery in the territories. Finally, after the Union victory in the Battle of Antietam (September 17, 1862), Lincoln issued a preliminary proclamation on September 22, declaring his intention of promulgating another proclamation in 100 days, freeing the slaves in the states deemed in rebellion at that time. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, conferring liberty on about 3,120,000 slaves. With the enactment of the 13th Amendment to the U.S.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effect of Rizal’s Writings to the Filipinos

Jose Rizal is known for his writings which increased the awareness of the Filipino people of the wrong doings of the Spaniards and it united some Filipinos to form a group against the government. His writings sparked the rebellion against the Spaniards and they believed that Rizal was one of the masterminds of the war which was the reason why he was tested and sentenced to death.Rizal is considered as the national hero in the Philippines because he fought for our freedom and he showed the full potential of the Filipinos knowing that it would cost him his life. One interesting thing about Rizal is that he used a different method to attain peace compared to others. He used his knowledge in writing to make poems and novels instead of using force and violence which most people did to gain freedom.He embedded ideas to the Filipinos that raising arms is not the solution because people die but our ideals and beliefs will not. He was able to reclaim the hearts of the Filipinos and reminded t hem how important it is to love one’s country. Rizal was an excellent writer and poet. He was able to portray his beliefs and opinions clearly to the people which easily got their attention and realize what they are capable of doing. He showed the people that one can change even without violence. Nowadays, Filipinos rarely know who Rizal is.The only thing they know is that he is our national hero because it is what was taught to them in their basic education. Some don’t even know who he is or what he did for our country which is really depressing because we are forgetting our own culture. I believe that Rizal’s life and writings have minimal effect on today’s youth because it is considered by many as another waste of time since they won’t use it anyway when they graduate or in the courses they will take in college. In order to

Friday, August 16, 2019

Real ‘Angle of Mercy’ During the Crimean War Essay

Do you agree with the view that Mary Seacole , and not Florence Nightingale , was the real ‘angle of mercy’ during the Crimean War? During the Crimean war, both Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale showed aspects of being angels. The word ‘angel’ suggests a heavenly person who is attentive to the soldiers’ needs, and ‘mercy’ means showing kindness and forgiveness, and the ‘angel of mercy’ basically suggests a compassionated and kind-hearted person who empathizes and helps soldiers in need. Although Nightingale had showed the aspects of being an â€Å"angel of mercy†, the amount of work and commitment Seacole had put in outweighs Nightingale’s; therefore I believe Mary Seacole deserves the title of the real â€Å"angel of mercy†. Florence Nightingale actions mainly focused on the hygiene and cleanliness, and the organization of the hospital since the majority of the death was due to neglect of sanitation. Source U is a lithograph of one of the wards in the Barrack Hospital in Scutari, where Nightingale was in charge of. It showed the hospital was clearly clean and organized with windows opened, clean floor, wide space between organized beds, suggesting that the soldiers’ conditions were getting better. Nightingale was also very hardworking, because even at night she used to walk around the hospital carrying a lamp to check on the patients, hence she is also known as the â€Å"The Lady with the Lamp† throughout the history, which shows her commitment in her work as a nurse. She certainly had â€Å"formidable gifts of organization† as it says on source V, and her involvement in the war had also made a huge impact on the death rate, which reduced from 42 per 1000 to 2 per 1000 in June 1855. Despite the fall of the death, 5000 men died in her hospital due to poor hygiene in the winter of 1854-1855 before the sanitary commission arrived, yet she refused to acknowledged that it was from the lack of sanitation and said the men were â€Å"half dead† when they were brought in, because at that time she didn’t know that the hospital was built on top of a cesspool. On top of that, it was revealed in the letter written by Lord Palmerston to Lord Panmore that the sani tary arrangement was actually done by Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Grainger, and still Nightingale took all the credit. Even though, Nightingale has made positive impacts on the course of the war and paved a way for improving in the nursing field, her actions aren’t enough to fit the image of an â€Å"angel of mercy†, since she was a harsh, cold woman who criticized her own nurses and only checked the patients from a distance, completely neglecting the importance of consoling and communicating with the soldiers, as it is also shown on the source U – on the lithograph Nightingale is seen leading the wounded; however, she keeps a distance inbetween. This shows that Nightingale is recognized through the image of the clean organized ward, rather than a kind-hearted and compassionated nurse treating the patients, and the ‘angel of mercy’ ought to provide both physical and mental needs to the soldier as the title says, since they will not only suffer physical attacks but will also be mentally affected by the war, and Nightingale failed to provide mental treatment. On the other hand, Mary Seacole’s engagements fit the image of the â€Å"angel of mercy† and source V praises Seacole and her involvement during the war, despite being rejected by the British authorities due to her race and background. She went to Crimea by herself to help the wounded, whereas Nightingale who went there in request of the Minister of War, Sidney Herbert, to go to help in the war. Seacole had no hospital to take care of the wounded, but she built her own â€Å"British Hotel† in Balacava by her money, unlike the government funded â€Å"admirable hospital† in Scutari, which took days of boat trip from the battlefield. In source v, it also tells how Seacole was â€Å"in the very front line† treating the wounded, which was truly a heroic act because during that time females were seen weak and delicate, let alone belong on the battlefield, but â€Å"she showed courage under fire†, â€Å"unlike some officers† and risked her ow n life to save others. This also links to the idea of ‘angel’ because like a guardian angel she was protecting them, and she may also have appeared physically like an angel to some of the soldiers as she drifted through the battlefields healing people. This shows the bravery and effort of Seacole puts in helping the soldiers, and the fact that she treated the wounded at the scene might have contributed with the drop of death-rate. Her â€Å"British Hotel† was also an important refuge to the soldiers, which again comes to the idea ‘mercy’, as it says in source V that the soldiers felt more at ease with â€Å"Mother Seacole† than in the hospital, because the hotel was more homelike. Unlike Nightingale, briefly checking the patient and ordering the nurses, Seacole was more socializing and hands on approach to the individuals, therefore she was closer with the soldiers since she ran the hotel by herself and did everything by herself, on the other hand Nightingale did ver y little nursing and more works on the running and organizing of the hospital, which shows that she was more of an administrator than a nurse. Seacole approach of treating wounded and â€Å"patients suffering from cholera and dysentery† was more effective than Nightingale’s method, showing that Seacole was more skilled and had more knowledge on medicine. Source V points out that, Seacole was certainly kind, caring, empathizing like an ‘angel of mercy’, because she was the figure of a ‘mother’ to the soldiers and â€Å"attentive to their practical needs†. She nurtured them, like a mother would for their children, providing physical and mental when they are away from home and family, and also providing them with pocket handkerchief for the winter. She was admired and loved by the soldiers and that is how she received the name â€Å"Mother Seacole†, and the soldiers also arranged an event after the war to thank her. However, media neglected Seacole’s achievement because of her race and attributed the title of â€Å"angel of mercy† to Nightingale. But there are evidences which prove that the hospitality that Seacole provided was better and more effective than Nightingale’s. Seacole not only treated the wounded because she was a nurse, but that helping soldiers was her passion; the strong, brave, determine, motherly characteristic of Seacole allowed her to provide the best for the soldiers during the war. She did everything from scratch on her own, whilst Nightingale was just appointed to run the hospital; on top of that Seacole put in more effort in taking care of the soldiers and was more compassionated than Nightingale. â€Å"Mary Seacole was on hand for the troops in the long months when nothing much appeared to be happening† just like a ‘mother’, which is figuratively close to an ‘angel’, showing that she was indeed the real â€Å"angel o f mercy†.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ethical Decisions Scenario Analysis Essay

Reflection Question: Discuss whether you generally make ethical decisions using a traditional or a modern ethical model. Provide an example using an experience you have had in your daily life. I would have to say that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Being true to oneself is ethically speaking. I used to get detention in HS and being an honor student really hurt me. Peer pressure was another feeling that couldn’t be surpassed. Stress and anxiety are add-ons to one’s life experience. I have both. Depression is yet another I have not really dealt with. These feelings are not mutual and do not come easily. Ethics are the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct, by definition. Traditional ethics are from the past and are from the way that people thought about morals and the way that life should be lived back then. Modern ethics came from traditional ethics, but were revised a bit to fit in with new times and with new ways of thinking. Ethics are a part of everyone ’s lives. Both are similar, but I believe that the development with the two came from within a person. Someone did not just make up how a person feels inside. A person knows right from wrong from being taught. With that  being said, a person would know that stealing is wrong and that there would be something inside of them saying something like if you take that money from that person that is wrong and you will feel bad if you have good morals. Both forms of ethics have changed through the years and are now at what is called the modern ethics that we have adjusted to fit into today’s society. I would think that the biggest connection between the two forms of ethics is that it is based on morals and how a person feels deep down inside. I feel that it is based on what your heart tells you.

The Crucible Diary

I cannot believe that John Proctor! Why has he chosen his sniveling wife over me? I am more of a woman than Goody Proctor. Goody Proctor does possess of the qualities needed of a good wife. She is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve, simple, and talented. However, I possess the qualities of a lover. I am intelligent, able, and adventurous. To be blatantly honest, I think any man would be lucky to call me his wife. Diary, why am I good enough for any man, but I am not good enough for the man I desire? I know why. It is because I want a married man. Diary, do you agree that John should leave Goody Proctor and marry me? Do you think I am better than she is? I believe I would be a much better wife. Think about it, if Goody Proctor were good to John would he have come to me? I do not believe so. To me, it is the duty of a wife to keep her husband satisfied and in line. However, if John had not strayed from his wife, John would have never sought me. If John had never sought me, I would have never felt love. John may have sought me, but he is still married to Goody Proctor. She is keeping me from my John. Because of that, I loathe her. There is not a single thing in the world that she can do that I cannot. She can cook, clean, and pray. I can do all that, and even more! I am willing to do anything to be with my John. All I want is to be with him. Diary, do you have any ideas to cause the end of the Proctor marriage? I believe I do. I will receive vengeance on Goody Proctor. I will claim that Goody Proctor is a witch! It is a brilliant idea. When Salem village hears of this, the village people will believe it and order her hanging. It is genius! I would be overcome with joy to see the body of Goody Proctor hanging. At last, I would be with my beloved John! Oh Diary, I know it is a terrible to wish death upon someone, but in this case, Goody Proctor's death is necessary in order for John and me to be together. Diary, I need to be with John. He loves me and I love him. I know we are destined to be with one another. Diary, I thank you for listening to me. You have always been a faithful friend. Besides John, no one seems to want to listen to me, Oh, how I miss my John! Oh no, I fear Uncle has arrived home. I must go. He will be expecting me. I promise I will write again soon. Love, Abbey

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Meaning of life †Anthropology Essay

The Meaning of Life and Cultural Relativism –What is the meaning of life? –â€Å"What’s the meaning of life? † is today a question generally meant as a joke. This apparently wasn’t true in the past. Religious teachers, from Jesus to Buddha to Mohammed, offered a clear meaning of life. Philosophers from Plato to Augustine to Voltaire to Nietzsche to William James also offered such a meaning, although in progressively less certain ways. –Today, however, philosophers have mostly turned away from questions of the meaning of life (or when they discuss it, they may proclaim life’s meaninglessness, as does Nagel in this week’s reading). A big reason for this is that there are so many different beliefs in the world today: they relativize all beliefs, and make certainty problematic. –A key principle of anthropology is â€Å"cultural relativism†: this has become a central principle in today’s world at large. How can you know that your sense of â€Å"the meaning of life† is truer than someone else’s sense of â€Å"the meaning of life†? This is why it may be difficult to be both a Christian and an anthropologist. And this is why this course cannot offer much advice as to â€Å"the meaning of life. † Meanings of Life in Anthropology –Anthropologists thus can’t discuss â€Å"the meaning of life†; but they can analyze people’s personal meanings of life, as a way of better understanding how people are culturally and socially shaped. There is a fundamental difference between â€Å"the meaning of life† and â€Å"meanings of life,† and only the latter can be fully explored by anthropologists. –Anthropologists explore culture: the ways of thinking by which people live. Anthropologists study a range of different culturally-shaped fields, from economics to politics to religion to gender in different societies. However, few anthropologists have directly studied â€Å"meanings of life† (maybe none, except for me! ) This is because in most societies that anthropologists study, there is no ordinary word that people use to describe what’s most important to them in their lives. –However, the Japanese language has such a term: ikigai. Ikigai means â€Å"that which makes your life worth living,† or, more practically speaking, â€Å"what’s most important to you in your life. † Common ikigai are work, family, religious belief, creative endeavor, or personal dream. 1 –Why does only Japanese have the term ikigai? Why don’t other languages have ikigai? In any case, even if other languages don’t have the term ikigai, people everywhere can understand what ikigai means. It is â€Å"what’s most important to you in life,† â€Å"what makes your life worth living. † –What is your ikigai? This is difficult for students, because you haven’t yet made the life choices of work and family that you probably will make over the next few years. But you can get some idea: Is it pleasing your parents? Finding a boyfriend/girlfriend? Gaining knowledge? Getting good grades and a good future job? Helping the world become better? Pursuing creativity? Being close to God? The Sociocultural Analysis of Ikigai . –Most Japanese books about ikigai talk about it in a psychological sense: how individuals seek and find and lose ikigai. However, ikigai is also social: all ikigai involve us in the world of other people: whether you live for family, for your personal dream, for God, or for alcohol, all of these are social. –Ikigai in this sense I define as â€Å"that which most deeply links the self to the social world†: ikigai is what ties you to the world around you. This can take two broad forms: ikigai as self-realization, and ikigai as commitment to one’s group: both are fundamentally social. –Here is a one-sentence cross-cultural theory of ikigai: â€Å"On the basis of culturally and personally-shaped fate, individuals strategically formulate and interpret their ikigai from an array of cultural conceptions, negotiate these ikigai within their circles of immediate others, and pursue their ikigai as channeled by their society’s institutional structures so as to attain and maintain a sense of the personal significance of their lives. † We have ikigai because ikigai gives us a sense of the purpose and significance and worth of our lives; but we necessarily hold these ikigai within the context of the society around us, with which we constantly interact in forming and maintaining ikigai.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Career Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Career Management - Essay Example The present scenario has been defined as a â€Å"do-it-yourself career management† (Patton & McMahon, p.26) where the individuals are faced with the challenge of constructing their career in the changing environment. It is seen that the choice of occupation is not a onetime decision. Rather it can be considered to a process of development which occurs through a number of stages and sub stages. Young children start believing that they can do almost everything. While the adults’ decision or the career choice is based on factors like skill sets, economic factors or their education and training requirements. John Holland (1960) was one of the major contributors in the field of career development. His contribution to the field was the creation of a hexagonal model that is based on the perspectives put forward by Parsons. According to Holland, the workplace was divided into six work environments and the populace was comprised of six types of personalities, namely â€Å"reali stic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional† (Virtual Habitats, p.1). The hexagon has been presented in the figure below. Figure 1: Holland's six environment/personalities (Source: Virtual Habitats, p.2) The ideas which are included in the theory are as follow: Most of the people can be assigned one of the categories of the six types of personalities. The work environments are also of six types, namely â€Å"realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional† (Virtual Habitats, p.2). The work environments that people search for depends on their skills and abilities, expression of values and attitudes, and their views on different roles and problems. The behaviour of an individual is an outcome of the interaction of his personality with the environmental characteristics (Virtual Habitats, p.2). The more close a person comes towards a work environment that he finds compatible to his abilities, the greater will be his satisfa ction. The recent scholars have been increasingly focusing on the process of decision making and its relationship with career development. The cognitive information process (CIP) as put forward by â€Å"Peterson, Sampson, Reardon and Lenz† (Virtual Habitats, p.4) are the three domains based on which the choice of career is made. The decision making skills domain comprises of the five information processing skills which are communication, analysis, synthesis, valuing and executing (Virtual Habitats, p.4). The CIP model is illustrated the figure below. Figure 2: The CIP model (Source: Virtual Habitats, p.2) The base comprises of self knowledge and knowledge of the occupations. The nature of information with people regarding themselves and the work usually differs from one another. Scholars claim that this self knowledge is more based on the perceptions than in facts. It involves analyzing ones interests, abilities and skills. The individuals’ needs require thorough analy sis though the decision making phase which should be suited for his unique personality (Wasylow, Mellott & Martin, p.1). It also involves analysis of the occupation itself like places where the occupation exist, the payments they make or their outlook. It requires thorough analysis of the labour market. Answer to Question No: 2 Primary Research The primary research was conducted on three

Monday, August 12, 2019

Business Plan #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Plan #3 - Essay Example In this kind of environment where employees are motivated, there is increased productivity, more inventions and creativity within the company, staff’s potential is unleashed as they can freely express their opinions and views and ensure that they have been taken seriously. Employees can change their negative attitude about the work and start working in a positive way. When employees are motivated, they have got the urge to stay longer at the organization instead of resigning. Motivated workers will hardly miss at the workstation and will not go for absenteeism as compared to demoralized workers. It is through motivation that the managers will improve the standard of weak performers in the organization. They will closely monitor their work; try to find if the underperforming staffs understands the job description they are doing. After this analysis, the manager will come out with the conclusion that best suites each staff. Managers have a responsibility of challenging their staff to achieve the best. This mechanism makes them as leaders, and role models to their juniors. When managers assign leadership roles to their juniors it really motivates them, and they have a desire to be like their managers and this really helps them to be confident at the workplace. Organizations where employees are allowed to have fun and organize retreats for themselves helps to break the monotony of the work and gives them to rejuvenate themselves. For example, inter - departmental parties, retreats or activities that bonds the staff to work as a family rather than more of workplace. It is important for senior staff to applause the efforts of their juniors. Through this, the junior staff feels appreciated and recognized. Applauding their efforts means they are rewarded by promotions or gifts. In a business setting, for example, in an audit firm, your staff will be mostly accountants. Due

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Popular Culture Artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Popular Culture Artifact - Essay Example The featured artifact is drawing of the iconic Former South African President and Statesman Nelson Mandela. The icon chosen for the portrait is the diamond. Diamonds have been salient features in contemporary popular culture. In 1938 the New York advertising agency of N.W. Ayers was commissioned to change public attitudes toward diamonds. The campaign was conceptualized to shift popular regard of diamonds as a scarce, expensive and very hard stones to a symbol of commitment and everlasting love. Thus in 1947 and Ayers advertising copywriter came up with the slogan "a diamond is forever". "As an N.W. Ayers memorandum put it in 1959: "Since 1939 an entirely new generation of young people has grown to marriageable age. To the new generation, a diamond ring is considered a necessity for engagement to virtually everyone."(Sut Jhally: Image-Based Culture: Advertising and Popular Culture -1990). In the featured artifact the diamond icon represents the immortality of what the featured person has come to stand for. The Portrait pictures Nelson Mandela who committed his life to fighting for the emancipation of South Africans out of the shackles of apartheid. What makes the diamond icon more appropriate in the assembling of this artifact is the eternality of the values of peace and equality. This is what Mandela fought for. These values like a diamond are forever. The banner text also contributes to manufacturing of meaning impact in the artifact. It denotes the that fact that coal and diamonds are formed in exactly the same variables, pressure and heat the only differentiating factor being that diamonds were subjected to more pressure and heat than coal. Again these associative meanings coalesce sound meaning in interpreting the artifact. The meaning in this aspect is drawn from the excruciating and extenuating circumstances in his struggle for human rights. The ordeal would either make him or beak him and as such the very circumstances that made some of his fellow citizens fall made a jewel out of him. The jewel as a crystal three dimensional gazing stock contributes to the whole meaning worth as it has become a popular symbol of excellence and invaluable worth. The artifact employs the meaning dissemination channels provided thorough the conventions and inventions formula. Through the conventions the artifact taps into the significance of mundane appreciation of art, mere drawings of people, great and non-entities as well as objects. Drawings have an intricate appeal to human art appreciation. The Mona Lisa drawing by Learnado Da Vince is arguably the most popular and famous portrait. What has made the artifact famous is the fact that the immaculate masterpiece was hand drawn. The artist used his finger to originate the painting. Drawings as medium are valuable for their appeal to human senses as they express human prowess in creativity and reproduction of reality. The featured artifact, by virtue of being a hand drawn artifact, will effectively prompt recipient appreciation by its nature demonstrative of the human artistic dexterity. This aspect will also be enhanced by the fact that the drawing pictures a prominent international icon. Nelson Mandela is more than just an international celebrity;

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Extended Self and Consumerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Extended Self and Consumerism - Essay Example For example, some of us are focused on personal comfort and buy cars; some other people want to collect money or some trifles to satisfy their aesthetic desires, needs and wants. It is possible to claim that Oscar Wilde's main characters were often considered about their appearance to the greatest extent. These ideas are relevant to the modern context, because they underline that people appreciate their appearance and buy the objects of art, luxury or jewelry just to look good. In other words, people create their own images by means of different products and objects. To correlate the principles of consumerism with our daily behaviors in the market, it is necessary to have a strong theoretical background and up-to-date empirical material. The works by Belk (1988) and Goffman (1990) are illustrated by blogs of the consumers in the Internet. Consumerism and Blogs Belk claims that "if involuntary loss of possessions causes a loss of self, one of the primary reactions following such loss should be an attempt at self-restoration. This phenomenon has been observed in psychoanalysis and has led to the hypothesis that, along with body loss, object loss is the fountainhead of creativity" (Belk, 1988). Therefore, we can claim that the things we own reflect our inner stability. We are well-balanced personalities in case we feel all right and feel our ability to buy a thing or object we want. It sounds like individuals are not complicated individuals. We do not need much, but we want much. Now, when there is a perfect opportunity to share your aspirations with the global community, we are pleasantly sharing this opportunity and use this chance perfectly. When we buy pets, very often we subconsciously chose those breeds, which will look like us. We extend our selves in our dogs; we want to become their masters and parents at the same time. In one blog post there was a commentary about a similar nature of a dog and a master of a dog: "We spend money on our dogs,  pampering them with fancy collars and toys.   Investing in our pets has become a part of being a pet owner, and it speaks of our morals as pet owners.   If someone refuses to take their sick pet to the vet it’s similar to declining to take a child to the doctor" (The Extended Self). From this perspective pets are associated with our desire to nourish ourselves, or extended part of us as much as we want.    On the basis of several blog posts by Chinese consumers we will talk about correlation between the extended self and intentions of buyers to get some products or goods. A purpose of modern blogs can be considered as a means for consumer culture promotion. Cyberspace is a modern plane for promotion of desires and interests of the customers in some goods. Blog is a unique means for self-expression online. It is a kind of a modern diary, which can include up-to-date photos and music. Incomes and urban consumer culture is being developed at a full pace in China. Of course, it is mo re natural of women to update their information about blogs if they talk about their purchases. Thus, "Jessie† updates the world on her blog about new additions to her private closet, and discusses her favorite possessions ranging from a pair of Converse shoes to Abercrombie shirts. She writes about what she already has and laments what she could not afford to have" (Xin Zhao, Belk 2007). On the one hand, this girl does not have any problems and she can

Forming Strategic Alliances with Foreign Companies Research Paper

Forming Strategic Alliances with Foreign Companies - Research Paper Example The domestic company involved does such things because they have the perceptions that entering the world market will increase their sale, it will supplement the capital it needs and that it will fasten the process of adaptation to the environment of the market. The above factors cause a domestic company to respond to its situation by establishing joint ventures that will enhance their business operations in the international markets. Many advantages drive domestic companies to forge strategic alliances that will help them to exploit both the domestic and international markets. Domestic companies perceive a situation in which strategic alliances enhances the entry into the international market. This perception is because the company spends less amount of money to transport products and services as well as to enhance customers to the market. In having a company that is exposed to the international market environment, a domestic company is able to establish customers using those of its partner in the strategic alliance. These customers ensure that the domestic company has footage in the international market and therefore, it increases the changes of increasing its sales (Heidtmann, 2011). Domestic companies forge strategic alliances in order to exploit international market because there is a shared risk in the investment. Sharing of risks in a business venture ensures that one company does not lose it all to the venture that it has entered and therefore, it is able to sustain its operation in the market for a long time. In many instances, the companies that forge strategic alliances invest a lot of money to establish business operation in the international market through advertisement, transports of products and human... Forming Strategic Alliances with Foreign Companies This challenge means that these local companies focus on the alternatives they have so that they can establish their businesses at the world level. In many cases, local companies forge strategic alliances with foreign companies that are already established in the international business so that they can present their products in the global market with ease (Henry, 2008). These local companies have perceptions that the venture into which they enter are beneficial and they will facilitate the individual company to make higher sales than they did with local markets. However, there are many risks that are associated with strategic alliances that companies that forge them need to understand and learn the ways to manage them so that they will not fail in business (Oxley, 2013). An analysis of strategic alliances will exposes the factors that drive domestic companies to desire to forge them as well as show the risks and disadvantages associated with these ventures that may cause the partners to fail. Richter and Pahl (2009) observe that in forging strategic alliances, there are things that drive domestic companies to want to come into partnership. There are numerous perceived incentives that drive partners in strategic alliances to come into a joint venture. However, although there are possible benefits in entering the world market as an alliance; partners need to establish their business operations with a focus on the potential risks that need to be controlled to reduce the probability of failure.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Evidence of cash conservative and low-leverage firms in UK and Germany Dissertation

Evidence of cash conservative and low-leverage firms in UK and Germany - Dissertation Example The financials of the firms are extracted from the fiscal years 2005 to 2012 and statistically analyzed to establish and prove a hypothesis that the agencies practice cash conservatism and low leverage financial policy; particularly in times of economic recession. CONTENTS COVER PAGE________________________________________________________________1 ABSTRACT 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 The United Kingdom and germany_________________________________5 1.2 FINANCIAL Conservatism AND DISTRESS______________________________8 1.3 Agency and Stewardship theory..._________________________________11 CHAPTER 2 review of literature_________________________________________12 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD 14 3.1 Empirical Framework 19 3.2 Data Sample 20 3.3 Results 24 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION _________________________________________________26 WORKS CITED_____________________________________________________________29 Appendices _________________________________________________________ ______31 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The foundations of a firm’s financial theory can be found in the firm’s organizational culture and structure, the national financial policies, investors, and economic factors. In business, decision-making processes include different perspectives which are reflected in the corporate governance policies. The perspective is relative to the source of financial wisdom, accompanied by the degree of inclusion of Values and Ethics. Theorists have come to believe that contributions to an engaged, politically aware form of multicultural theorizing may cast some light on debates about corporate governance and social responsibility, policy making strategies, and profits. Distinctly, attic eccentric people, for example, Hayek (1976) stressed on the fact that the present-day permissive pre-occupation on ‘the mirage of justice’ could lead them to overlook the procedure that permissive strategies depend too heavily upon market which is not a centralized one and positioned on individual firms, and the final product of this cannot be deduced and is unforeseeable. According to an empirical study by Iona, Leonida, and Ozkan (2004): â€Å"The final result also tells that legislative occupancy, board formation and, to some extent, ownership congregation are vital elements of the possibility of organizations taking up middle-of-the-road financial schemes.† The strategies of cash holding and leverage are traditionally used as factors to determine the level of conservatism in a firm’s financial policy. Corporate executive management experience challenges when the interests of the business coupled with the personal interests of the investors, the organization, or managerial cabinet. This occurs frequently during periods of financial distress. The Agency theory developed amongst concerns for property rights, business economics, business law, and political philosophies, to include the studies of economists and busin ess analysts (Reference for Business, 2013). This paper will investigate the existence and magnitude of financial conservatism in firms in the United Kingdom and in Germany by empirical research of their financial data with regard to financial crises. 1.1 The United Kingdom and Germany In relation to this, the same predicament is there. It should not be ignored that the markets and macroeconomic variables have a great connection with each